Happy Halloween 2013!

halloween, cowboy, Duck Dynasty

1st up we have my Caveman as a Cowboy! 2nd up, Caveboy as a lumberjack/Duck Dynasty cast member!

Please forgive the quality of these photos, but it was the end of the day and we were attempting to beat the rain that was threatening in order to get a few photos. Also I thought it would be beautiful to take our photos in front of this burning bush, but my poor cell phone camera couldn’t quite handle the vibrant reds.

I used this tutorial to make Caveboy’s beard! I love Ashley‘s blog, she has the best tutorials and check out her kids Halloween costumes! They are amazing. This little beard took me about 30 minutes to make the other night, with Caveboy jumping up and down, crying to wear his beard the whole time!! LOL Patience, he has yet to master!

Black, riding boots, lumberjack, duck dynasty

My Halloween outfit and Caveboy and I

Fall has exploded with some beautiful colors this week and hotter than normal temps!



If you follow me over on Instagram you will see a few other fall photos I’ve taken on my daily walk to school. Not much has been happening other than work, school, family – repeat! I’ve survived 3 exams thus far this semester. Just wanted to drop in quickly today with a little update! I’m looking forward to the holidays just to I can slow down some!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and Fall so far!!