Celebrate the Boy!!!

Celebrate the BOY!!!

A month long celebration of the BOY over at MADE

I’ve been itching to post about this since last year when I discovered the genius that Dana at MADE and Made by Rae cooked up to celebrate the boy! I was only preggers with Cavebaby then and had just discovered he would truly be a boy, I was so excited to see loads of great ideas for little boys. This year I have a teeny-tiny bit of time that I can squeeze out in the evenings and weekends to make my little Caveboy fun stuff. I will apologize now for the lack of pictures with this post, my camera and computer haven’t been playing nice with each other, but I will have pictures to share soon!

So far this month I’ve made the Owl pillow that Ashley designed for the Sewing Republic, I know it isn’t on the list from Dana & Rae, but I’ve been wanting to make one for him forever. I also made a pair of house slippers for Cavebaby, again I made up the pattern from a pair of his leather shoes; but I now want to make a matching pair of pajama pants from Dana’s first Celebrate the Boy post this year! (See it all ties in – 😀 )

There is so much stuff to create for your little guy (or girl); The cutest coat ever!!, pants and more pants, Dragon Slippers, Boy backpacks – I so want to make one of these for Caveboy! and messenger bags, baby blankets, clothing refashioning, play clothes, boy paper dolls, toys on the go, Thrifty finds, Creature Features, charity sewing from the Craft Hope Book, cool places to purchase things for said little man and plenty of giveaways!!

Speaking of giveaways, I’ve entered a lot of them and my persistence finally paid off because I was lucky enough to win!!! Go here to see Katie of Notes From a Very Red Kitchen announce the winners. Cherry Lane Textiles was the very generous sponsor so go on over and check out her great fabric and patterns. Thank you to both ladies for hosting the giveaway, providing the beautiful fabric panel and for choosing me! Caveboy will love a quilt or book, whichever Mommy decides to make!

Hope you all have a great day!!

New stuff…

I’ve written about a dozen posts in my head since the new year, even went to so far as to create an outline of things I’d like to blog about (should have posted that here huh?) but somehow my posts never make it to the blog.

Since starting a blog and discovering the blogging world some 5 years ago now, my taste in topics to read about have changed, well actually just broadened to include all areas that interest me. In the beginning I started out trying to find all the info I could on knitting, it was new to me and I needed advice on patterns, gauge, yarn and the like. Through these sites I also picked up a few sewing blogs to add to my blogroll.

Then I discovered DIY/house blogs, here I gathered tips on painting, decor, design and basically just great ideas to daydream about doing to our house one day. I found the Nester and her sister, Emily through this avenue and again my interest broadened into finding blogs about Christian living. Last year (actually 2 years ago) when I became a Mother, I looked to these bloggers for info and examples of being the best Mother I can be.

As these women who write these blogs lives have changed so has mine, sometimes we’re changing in the same directions and other times, no so much. I have learned a lot from these women who put their whole lives and families out there as examples for the world to see. Not only have I picked up some great DIY/Sewing/Knitting/Christian Living/Mothering tips and tricks but I’ve learned a lot about myself in the process.

Recently my interest in sewing has peaked, yet so did my interest in frugal living. When you marry the two you get thrift shopping/re-purposing at it’s best. I’ve become more aware of the clothes I wear and what they are saying about me. Caveman has always said I look great in anything, but with the potential to move up in my current position I really wanted to get more on-board with creating the latest styles at a super cheap price.

I also love sewing and creating things for Cavebaby! Sometimes he likes them and others – again, no so much. He has two twin girl cousins coming in a few weeks so in preparation for their baby shower last weekend I pulled a couple of all-nighters and whipped out some adorable baby shoes using this pattern. I, of course, forgot to take final photos of the finished shoes, but I’ll get some soon. 😉 I do have a photo of the work-in-progress shot that I’ll get on here in the interim. Right now I’m using a combination of the baby shoe pattern & a self-made pattern from Cavebaby’s leather shoes, only trying to enlarge them ’cause his leather shoes are getting tight, to make test flannel slippers for Cavebaby. When I know the new pattern I created for him is good, I’ll make some fake leather (read vinyl) shoes for him. I’m also creating a couple of toy pillows for Cavebaby and his new cousins. The pattern for one pillow can be found here and the other of which will result in a new pattern for all of you, made by little ‘ole me!

So check out all the great links listed above, and keep your eyes open for a new pattern. Until next time… Happy Knitting/Crafting/Living 😀

Silence to end soon…

I’ve had plenty of grand ideas for blog posts recently, but alas notime. 😦 Cavebaby is growing like a weed though! He’ll be 6 months old tomorrow!! It’s hard to believe because it feels like only yesterday we were heading to the birthing center to watch him be born.

February was a very busy month for us, Caveman’s birthday started it off, then there was lots of snow, Valentine’s day was wonderful & now March has roared in like a lion with warmer temps and thunderstorms – Yeah! We are currently all in various stages of a nasty virus/cold. There has been some sewing & knitting (4 hats to be exact & hopefully a pair of socks soon) going on, plus I want to share my adventures in cloth diapering with all of you too. So more blogging soon.

Until next time Happy Knitting & Sewing!!