Accessories for Feet!

A couple of things, Caveman woke me up at 5:00am this morning. It’s Saturday!!! I actually don’t mind so much, cause I like getting my day started early, but 5:00am? On Saturday? After going to bed at 11:00? Boy, am I getting old?! LOL

But it gave me plenty of time to… complete my first pair of socks ever!!!!!! Can I get a WooHoo?! 😀 Caveman is happy, I’m happy, so hey – everybody’s happy! (Individual pics are on Flickr, links below.)

1st pair of socks

1. Navy-socksComplete, 2. Short-rowHeel-wHole, 3. Navy_socks2, 4. Cuff, 5. New-navysocks, 6. Finished-toe, 7. New_navysocks, 8. NavyShort-rowheel, 9. Navy-bottom

We aren’t going to talk about the hole in the heel. 😛 I’ll get it right on the next pair!

Then I got to take a little trip with Caveman over to Target (pronounced with a French twist!) to pick up these beauties!!!! My Rain Boots!

Pink Plaid Rain Boots!

1. Rain_boots, 2. Rain-boots2, 3. Rainboots-cuff, 4. Rain-boots, 5. Rainboots-clsp, 6. Rain_boots2

There were only two choices, one pair of these (in my size 7) and a bunch of tiny black&white polka dots. Caveman said he thought these would be the best, so they were mine! Can I get another WooHoo!! It’s been a great day! 😀 And now, it’s time for bed! I’m beat. 🙂

Hope you all have a great weekend too!

New Stuff!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! After a two day rain fest, we got some gorgeous sunshine with 70 degree temps yesterday! The back yard finally got mowed and a few weeds were dealt with, while we watched the mud puddles dry in the front yard. It’s sort of like watching paint dry only more painful! LOL 😀

New Balance 550

Last weekend I got some new kicks! I love these shoes! They are super comfy, will be great for running, and best of all – they have lime green accents. Here they are with my prize sock yarn from Skyline Chilly.

Green/Shoe Theme Mosaic


MIA and I won!!

I apologize for being so quiet this week, but I had another big day trip to Nashville yesterday. The meetings all went well, it was just a very long day and I didn’t get home until really late.

Also in my last post I may have been a bit misleading with the picture. See, those aren’t my socks, those are Emily’s socks that she knit for her Aunt Pearl. And speaking of Emily and her Aunt Pearl, her blogiversary was yesterday and I was the third winner in her contest!!! WooHoo!! Really though, the even bigger news is that she was able to donate over $200 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!! Although the contest is over, you can still purchase the sock pattern and Emily will continue to donate the proceeds to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, so there’s still time to help out!!

Last week, Robin inquired if I still make and sell stitch-markers in my Etsy shop. Yes I certainly do! She put in her request for a violet/purple set and I really hope she likes them. When Robin receives them I’ll post some pictures of them, until then here’s a couple of pair I will be listing in the shop later this week.

Saphire Swirls
Crystal Saphires

I haven’t updated the shop with new inventory lately, but I am going to be slowly doing just that over the next couple of weeks. St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and there are already a few pairs of super cute Emerald stitch-markers on there, so go check them out. No pressure or anything. LOL Also if you have a specific request please let me know and I’ll see if I can come up with something you will like. 😉


What do these two things have in common?

Pearl’s Diamond Socks and a contest at Skyline Chilly? They both support a great cause, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Pearl's Diamond Socks

Emily recently designed and knit these fabulous socks for her Aunt Pearl.  Emily’s Aunt Pearl has been fighting leukemia for a long time, and this knitting pattern will benefit an organization that does the same. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society provides research funding and patient support to those people fighting blood cancers in labs or in daily life. This organization puts donations to good use, and Emily will donate the proceeds from Pearl’s Diamond Socks in honor of her Aunt Pearl in the hopes of raising spirits, awareness, and medical knowledge for people fighting these diseases.

Emily is also having a contest to help raise awareness of the pattern and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It’s open to everyone who can help spread the word. Go on over and check it out today! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Rainy/Icy Tuesday

I would like to start off by saying Thank You to everyone for your wonderful compliments! I really appreciate them! These are my favorite knits to-date.

So onto the next project…. While I was waiting for the sweater to dry and in between knitting the hat, I was also knitting a sock. I started out using two circular needles, one metal and one 16″ from Knit Picks. This was horrible cause the metal needle had breaks in the cables at the joins and kept snagging the yarn. So I moved on to knitting with one the 16″ circular using the magic loop – also horrible on such a small needle.

I had finally had enough, so I ordered some decent needles from Knit Picks – i.e. longer, beautifully joined needles. I received them Saturday afternoon and then spent the rest of the evening, well not really, scouring the internet for tutorials on making 2 socks on 1 circular needle. I had seen Crimson Purls’ post about the new book she got, 2-socks-at-a-time, by Melissa Morgan Oakes and remembered I had read about the technique somewhere in blogland last year. I found this great toe-up tutorial, but first I needed to learn the top down method. Well I finally found what I was looking for – 2 socks at one time. I immediately cast-on and started flying through these…

2 socks on 1 circ

I’m about 2 or so inches further now and yes these are the same Garter Rib socks for Caveman, reknit about 3 times so far! I love this method, ’cause I know I won’t be dragging around trying to finish a second sock! My next pair will probably be the toe-up version though. 🙂

Also the day after Christmas I placed an order with WEBs. This is the first time I have ordered from them and I have to say I am not entirely thrilled. I have always heard great things about the company and thought it would be a pleasurable experience. Well I just received confirmation today that my order (placed on 12/26) has shipped and that two of the items weren’t available anymore when my order was filled (which was probably over the weekend or yesterday)! 😦 I called Customer Service and talked with a lovely lady there. She was so nice I just couldn’t be mad, but I am sorely disappointed. I probably could just place another order and get the actual yarn, just not in the color I originally wanted, but I think I will just wait and get the order first. If I like what I see then I’ll think about purchasing from them again. On the bright side at least my order wasn’t as expensive as I had originally thought! 😉

Hope everyone is having a great day! It’s rainy and cold here. The weatherman says it is supposed to be changing over to ice later. I hope not. Snow is wonderful, but ice is just accidents and power outages. Stay warm!