
I recently shared my ideas on redesigning our home, since then I’ve been reorganizing our home in the hopes of making our tasks and chores more efficient.

At the top of my list – The Kitchen!

Aside from a complete kitchen makeover, complete with a newly redesigned cabinets, I’m attempting to reorganize and even purge my kitchen. My pots and pans typically stack within each other nicely but their corresponding lids were everywhere! I took my completely unorganized and “looking like a bomb went off” pots/pans/lids cabinet to a much more organized cabinet with the help of this sweet baby!


#TargetThreshold Pot Lid Rack

I shared these photos on Instagram recently because I was beyond excited with the pot lid rack/storage I picked up from Target’s Threshold Collection.


AFTER: Organized!! Ah, much better!!

Now let’s talk cheap under the kitchen sink storage. I know there are many pricey items you can purchase or even DIY to make the space under the kitchen sink more organized, just take an afternoon stroll through Pinterst! But for now I’m not going with any of them! Instead I’ve picked up a few smaller plastic baskets and even a couple of magazine storage folders from Target’s dollar spot (BTW – this isn’t a @Target sponsored post – but I wish it was! 🙂 ) to help corral my dish-washing/cleaning supplies perihelia!

Take all your messy sponges & scrubbers and put them in a plastic freezer bag and seal so that… 1.) they last longer & 2.) they’re easier to store. After this step I also had enough room to add my rubber gloves and a pouch of cleaning wipes!


And finally my simple solution to corralling the plastic grocery bags we re-use as trash can liners. Take an empty Kleenex box (or your tissue brand of choice), fold the plastic bags neatly, and stack them inside the box. I fold mine in half, in half again and then in a zig/zag pattern by thirds from top to bottom so I can layer them. When we pull one out the next one pops up!


I’ve also put a few smaller cleaning supplies in these cute little pink plastic baskets!


I’ll be highlighting other places throughout our home and hopefully a few more in the kitchen too, that I’m slowly organizing/purging in future posts.

Re-Organizing Our Home…

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  1. Pingback: ROH: Phase 1 Complete | Rubys N Purls

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