I Am Thankful/Grateful to My Lord for…

Hearty Thanksgiving Greetings!

I saw this over at Knotty Knitty Kris Knits! so I thought I would play along.

I am truly thankful and grateful to my Lord for…
1. Jesus saving my soul.
2. My wonderful hubby.
3. My two hilariously, entertaining, adorable dogs
4. My family, I wouldn’t be who I am today without them
5. Hubby’s family, for being so caring and just overall wonderful in-laws

The rest is in random order…as they come to me…

6. all the wonderful friends I have met through this blog
7. hot coffee with cream
8. my health
9. my job
10. my employer for working with me to keep said job
11. my life experiences
12. a warm dry place to lay my head down at night
13. promising never to leave me
14. books
15. yarn
16. the ability to learn new things…like knitting
17. support in times of need
18. joy in times of sorrow
19. family gatherings
20. pumpkin pie
21. turkey!
22. Kentucky
23. Ravelry
24. the moon
25. my camera
26. that I got to live in a foreign country for a year
27. sunrises
28. sunsets
29. my many computers…LOL
30. cold crisp winter days
31. hot sunny days
32. rain
33. hikes through the woods
34. snow
35. Kellie – my little beagle in heaven
36. Christmas trees
37. Fairy lights (Christmas lights for all you in the US)!
38. the wonder and delight that little children view the world with
39. deadlines – they keep me straight!
40. Sales!
41. Swaps – I have meet so wonderful people through them
42. clocks/watches
43. iced tea
44. the ocean
45. the mountains
46. mail!
47. transportation
48. cooking – esp. my moms!
49. fresh bread
50. Jesus’ sacrifice for all mankind

I am sure there are more things I am Thankful for, but at the moment I am all out. Plus I need to got to the Post Office. I sold another set of stitch-markers!


14 thoughts on “I Am Thankful/Grateful to My Lord for…

  1. Very nice post. I love the feeling of giving thanks for all the great things in our lives – it makes our petty disappointments/frustrations melt away. I want to try to maintain that feeling of thankfulness throughout the year!

  2. Very nice post. I love the feeling of giving thanks for all the great things in our lives – it makes our petty disappointments/frustrations melt away. I want to try to maintain that feeling of thankfulness throughout the year!

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