Blue Jean Pillow Palooza

It All Started With Paint is hosting a Pillow Palooza Link Party today and my weekend crafty endeavors just happened to coincide with the party theme, new pillow covers!! After making my initial pillow covers, I learned a few things. Like how much our little family actually does use these guys all. the. time. I also learned more about the pillow envelop making process or exactly what I did and did not want to do this time around. I knew I wanted them to be spring/summer/fallish friendly and made out of something durable, but soft enough to pass the “head test”.  You know, soft enough you want to put your head down and sleep on them. My guys are not into embellishments…of any kind really.


Larger Pillows

I found this great denim fabric remnant a couple of years ago and have used it for a few small projects. I wish I had more of it because it is soft & drapey but very durable too. It would make a great pair of jeans! The stripe fabric was a home decor remnant I got at the same time as the denim. I think I originally thought I would make a tote out of the two, but I’m much happier with the pillow covers. More on why one cover has more denim on the front in a moment….

The Lone Pillow

This next pillow will have a mate soon, but for now it is the lone pillow. Enter more remnant fabric that kinda matches the other stripes… kinda right? I picked the muslin and striped home decor fabric up recently at Hobby Lobby. After two broken needles, I had a zipper installed on this cover! There is more stripey fabric there at HL, just calling my name, because I really, really, really want to make one of these babies for Caveboy! He actually needs it! When attempting to play at his little table he tries to sit in his little rocking chair, but its too tall, so then he tries sitting on his butt, but ends up on his knees ’cause he’s too short or standing & bending over the table to play. I’ve had the tutorial for the Land-of-Nod Inspired Floor Cushion by Living with Punks bookmarked and downloaded for a while now, so I really need to get cracking!


Backs of the Pillows

This is the backs of all the pillows, all are covered with denim. I am all about repurposing old blue jeans into something useful, so when I discovered I didn’t have enough of the denim remnant on the second larger pillow I decided to use the leg from an old pair of ripped blue jeans & I didn’t measure it precisely.

Blue Jean Leg Cut Open for Back of Pillow

All the pillows are made during nap time, therefore these need to be quick & easy projects. For the initial pillow covers I measured exactly, but for these I just used the originals as templates, so I kinda threw ’em together as quickly as I could. I made sure about the width, but not so much on the height. I may go back and make this envelop shorter to match the other and then again I may not.

The most obvious glaring problem with these is that the stripes don’t match well. I was hoping they would work better together but I’m afraid they just don’t. Never fear, I have a couple of options to play with….1st up turning the larger pillows around so only the denim shows


Look #1: Larger Denim Pillows with Lone Pillow

Option #2: Turn the Lone Pillow around so it blends better with the larger pillow’s stripes.


Look #2: Larger Stripes with Denim Lone Pillow

I have one more pillow to make to match the Lone Pillow. I’m thinking the muslin needs to be ruffled on that one?!

Go on over to see what others have created, bought or been gifted at It All Started with Paint!

I’m linking up with these fun parties too!

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